Christopher John Roberts

Literature Research

● Techniques of information retrieval and literature searching using library, internet and database sources
● Reviewing, examining and critically assessing published literature, including primary research

Data Gathering

● Formulating hypothesis
● Evaluating research methods and procedures, designing and planning independent experimental research
● Working safely in the labs to gather accurate data, using specialised equipment

Data Analysis

● Statistical analysis of data (using software such as Minitab)
● Interpreting data, discussing these in relation to existing knowledge in the field
● Mathematical modelling (description) of biological processes

Critical Evaluation

● Showing originality and novel synthesis of information contributing to the level of knowledge in that research field
● Highlight unanswered questions and areas of controversy in the research, making suggestions for future study

Presenting Information

● Presenting information as an individual and as a team in a variety of formats including:
• Word processed essays
• Lab reports
• Web pages
Scientific posters
• Research seminar
● Writing appropriately, taking into account the audience and the purpose for which it is written
● Integrating widely differing forms of information and communicating the relevant (sometimes opposing) data in review and presentations
● Writing scientific reports following the format of specified journals
● Adding tables, diagrams, graphs and other visual material to illustrate arguments where appropriate
● Gathering / Citing references to support arguments using End Note, Web of Knowledge (Harvard referencing style)

Oral Presentations

● Using audio-visual materials to support individual and group presentations (OHPs, PowerPoint).
● Speaking clearly and concisely to present arguments in a logical order

Planning & Organising

● Managing and prioritising personal workload to meet deadlines
● From planning reports, essays, experiments, presentations and revision timetables 12 month projects